The Elk in the Orchard

Who doesn’t love seeing wildlife up close?  One thing that the town of Benezette, Pennsylvania has to boast about are the elk, lots of them, and ones that are VERY used to tourists.

I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA and though we have copious amounts of white tails that annihilate everyone’s landscaping, my experience with wildlife viewing has been limited to squirrels and chipmunks for the most part. Until Bryan and I acquired a new property, right in downtown Benezette, which we named “The Elk Grove.”

Named after the former owners, Walt and Donna Grove, this cottage was one that we were hesitant to buy.  Bryan and I both like our space, and any location in the center of any town, even Benezette, PA isn’t really our cup of tea, so to speak.  After spending a few nights there ourselves, we both fell in love with this amazing spot.

The former owners told us all about the regular visitors to the yard, bull elk, cows and their babies.  They had an apple tree growing in the perfect location, within view from the dining room table.  What better view while enjoying your morning coffee or evening glass of wine?

Cow Under Apple Tree

I was lucky enough to get the chance to photograph this beauty two nights in a row during our last stay.

Front Yard

AND saw these two cows one morning from the back yard!

Cows Behind House

Thanks to a few nights at the Elk Grove, my close encounters with the wild kind have increased in number significantly.  What a very cool thing to have roaming through your yard!

Happy Elk Viewing,


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